Legal Database

ALAS has prepared a number of resources and articles containing legal information that may be helpful to you depending on your situation. Feel free to browse our database of legal information, organized by different types of legal issues and the different types of creators who may face those issues.

Please note that the ALAS Legal Database is provided for informational purposes only, and only includes summary legal information. The ALAS Legal Database is not legal advice, and is not a substitute for consulting a legal professional. You should speak to a lawyer about your particular situation before relying on any information in the database.

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Know Your Rights: Scope of licensing your copyrights

Written by Sarah Zivoin with contributions from Tony Duarte and Marian Hebb.

Think before you post: Considerations for when posting content on social media platforms

Written by Sarah Zivoin with contributions from Tony Duarte and Marian Hebb   Think before you post: Considerations when posting content on social media platforms With the increasing popularity of...

To Waive or Not Waive Moral Rights

Written by Sarah Zivoin with contributions from Tony Duarte and Marian Hebb. To Waive or Not to Waive Moral Rights A creator of an original work acquires the right to…

ALAS 2023 Progress Report

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Think before you post: Considerations when posting content on social media platforms

Written by Sarah Zivoin with contributions from Tony Duarte and Marian Hebb. With the increasing popularity of social media platforms as a means for creative expression and sharing of ideas,...

Call for Board Members

About Us For over 35 years, Artists and Lawyers for the Advancement of Creativity (ALAC) has been supporting Ontario’s artistic community by providing pro bono summary legal advice, information and…

Assignment vs. Licensing Copyright

Written by Sarah Zivoin.   Assignment vs. Licensing Copyright If you have a copyright in your work, that right exists separate and apart from the physical work itself. In other…

What do I own now that I’ve created my masterpiece?

Written by Sarah Zivoin    What do I own now that I’ve created my masterpiece? In addition to the physical work that you’ve created, you’ve also established various economic and...

What is protected by copyright?

Written by Sarah Zivoin. Copyright protects the original expression of ideas in copyright works – not ideas on their own.  Thoughts cannot be protected except when in a fixed form,…

Assignment vs. Licensing Copyright

Written by Sarah Zivoin with contributions from Tony Duarte and Marian Hebb Assignment vs. Licensing Copyright If you have a copyright in your work, that right exists separate and apart...

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