Webinar & Discussion: Not-for-profit Law & Governance in the Creative Industries

ALAS is teaming up with Generator for a session on not-for-profit law and governance in the creative industries.

We’re in a time of unprecedented momentum for reimagining systems of board governance in the performing arts sector — join us for this free webinar and discussion to understand legal requirements and explore what’s possible.

This session will be held via Zoom Webinar, beginning with a presentation and ending with a question and answer period.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 1-2:30pm ET
Pre-registration required

Please register using the Google form on Generator’s website here.

Moderator: Catherine Lovrics (Barrister & Solicitor / Canadian Trademark Agent)
Panelists: Terry Carter, Carol Hansell, and Jane Marsland

Live captioning will be provided. If you have any access needs or questions, please contact info [at] generatorto [dot] com.


May 11 2021


1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

